domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

7 People You’re Going to Run Into at the Beach This Summer

7 People You’re Going to Run Into at the Beach This Summer

Ian-Fortey by Ian-Fortey on Apr. 25, 2014
Summer is upon us and the beach is calling.  With the weather getting hotter due to what is surely not climate change but probably just due to natural occurrences like maybe the sun is burning better charcoal or, as a people, we stopped running the AC with the windows open, the beach is looking more inviting than ever.  But know that when you go you will not be alone.  These people will be waiting for you.

The Greek God

This man’s existence shames you.  Sculpted from the stuff that makes women want to push you out of the way so they can climb him like an old elm tree, he’s on the beach playing volleyball or Frisbee or really just standing there with a perfect smile and like a 15 pack of abs.  He seems casual but his entire purpose is to pick up chicks and he can do it simply by being in their line of sight.  This man is so good looking you may actually find yourself staring at him even if you’re not gay, and then you’ll quickly comment to anyone who catches you that they are, in fact, the gay ones.  But we know the truth.

The Blob

The polar opposite of the Greek God, this person has opted to not show off a 6 pack but rather a one slab of doughy goodness that is so vast there may be other things stored in it.  The remote control, a small bbq, children?  Anything could be lost in the folds.
The Blob likes the beach because of the buoyancy provided by salt water and because he figures he could use a little sun and exercise.  And that’s good, exercise is definitely needed, just don’t leave your snacks too close.

The Untouchables

The Greek God’s female counterpart, this is the kind of girl who has no business existing in real life.  You don’t see girls like this where you work, or at the clubs you go to, or anywhere really, except the beach and in porn you have to pay for. They are gorgeous and perfect and wearing bikinis so small you could roll them up and hide them in a cell phone case.
The downside to these girls is, of course, that they seem almost physically incapable of seeing you.  They’re so hot their sunglass-ensconced eyes have adjusted to only see beauty on a higher frequency and when they pass over you it’s like catching a blur of movement and nothing more.  Don’t try to speak to them, it will only upset you.

The Trailer Park Girls

If the Untouchables are the Generals of a hot girl army, then these girls are the newly enlisted, fresh off the bus and struggling to figure out how to put their uniforms on properly.  Often travelling in packs and sometimes with an Untouchable as their leader, these girls are the rest of N’Sync to the hot girls’ Justin Timberlake.  Hairy limbs, bathing suits forged in the 1950s, potential mustaches and bodies like Jack Nicholson after a cheese bender, these girls are like beach land mines.  You must wear sunglasses to protect yourself from not just full on visual contact but from dreaded eye contact confirmation.  If no one knows you looked at them, it’s hard to engage in conversation and God help you if a furry scuzz-girl on the beach catches your eye and tries to charm you.

The Children of the Corn

Unorganized and unsupervised, there always seem to be more children at the beach than there could possibly be parents.  As though the sea itself births them, these kids can only run and scream.  There is no acceptable tone of voice available, only screaming, often just wordless screaming for literally no discernible reason whatsoever.  They touch the water and scream, they leave the water and scream, they throw shitty plastic toys at everyone and everything with a pulse and scream.  Only rarely will anyone ever claim ownership over one of these mongrels and it’s often only long enough to scream back at them.
Never plant yourself too near a pod of these kids as they will, at some point, leave the ocean and walk over your stuff because kids don’t care about anyone or anything anymore, and neither do their parents.  Any parent irresponsible enough to bring their scream weasel to a public beach is also inconsiderate enough to not give a shit if their little pumpkin steps on your iPhone.  Remember, kids in America are ranked almost dead last in test scores compared to other countries, but first in confidence that they beat everyone else.  They’re arrogant little dumbasses and they don’t care about you.

The McHatefuls

You probably remember family trips to the beach as a kid being kind of fun experiences, and maybe your dad getting frustrated about getting ready to go.  For some reason, your frustrated dad multiplied and now is always at the beach with his new family.  He’s the guy who hates his wife and kids and probably hates you too.  He hates the beach and the sand, he hates the traffic on the highway and he hates where he had to park.  His wife hates him for making this so difficult and hates the kids for not settling down and hates you for staring at her every time she screeches at the kids.
This family will set up camp near you no matter where you are on the beach.  Try not to look directly at them because they will notice and they will try to make contact.

The Lonely Boners

Always be suspicious of a man by himself at the beach, he’s probably there for nothing good and you certainly don’t want to touch him.  These guys probably have cell phones with them and they’re not fooling anyone by pretending to text when they’re obviously filming camel toe and cleavage.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

6 Essential Elements to Make an 80s Movie / CLICHES OCHENTOSOS

6 Essential Elements to Make an 80s Movie

Ian-Fortey by Ian-Fortey on Apr. 21, 2014
So, you want to make an 80’s movie.  Don’t feel bad that it’s 2014, you’re never too late to make an 80s film, as long as you follow a few simple rules.  To start with, you’re probably going to need some terrible haircuts and clothes, but those are more refined details.  To get to the heart and soul of an 80s film, this is what you need, based entirely on every 80s movie ever made.  For some reason.

Sax Solos

The saxophone was invented in 1846 but apparently no one gave a damn until 1980.  At that point, it became the standard instrument for any and all action films.  The Lethal Weapon series drives this home with a furious point as every action in the movie is accompanied by a man shrieking into a sax, but let us not forget the killer sax interlude in Lost Boys, the love theme from Blade Runner and, you know, hundreds of others.  Basically score your movie like a low grade porno and you’ve got the mood set for 1980s shenanigans.

Dance Numbers

Why did 80s movies so frequently feature dance routines when history tells us people were no more inclined to dance at the drop of a hat than at any other time?  No one knows.  Nonetheless, feel free to watch Footloose, Teen Wolf, The Breakfast Club and most films by John Hughes, The Blues Brothers and numerous others.  In the 80s, music made you free, but only free enough to do what everyone else was doing.
For an added bonus, see if you can get everyone to dance to sax music.  Wouldn’t that be something?

Pretty Ugly/ Ugly Pretty Girls

Our standards of beauty have not changed very much from the 1980s, so it’s hard to understand female casting from back then.  There’s a strange trend of ugly girls cast as pretty girls and pretty girls cast as ugly girls that we may never understand.  Look no further than, again, John Hughes to see this in action as Molly Ringwald was apparently the most beautiful girl in Shermer, Illinois for some reason, and 3 separate movies tried to make us believe this.
Outside of John Hughes, Dirty Dancing wants us to be infatuated with Jennifer Grey, An Officer and a Gentleman had Deborah Winger, Raiders of the Lost Ark shoved Karen Allen in our faces and any movies featuring Geena Davis.  Are these women attractive or unattractive?  There’s no good answer.  It often depends on lighting and drunkenness and it’s just weird.  So hire a girl who’s attractive sometimes to be in your film and you’ll be set.


As Team America: World Police explained, you gotta have a montage. Only use proper spelling and grammar – you have to have a montage.  A montage is a great way to get from point A to Point B without actually boring us with reality.  All good 80s movies have montages, like awesome arm wrestling film Over the Top, Revenge of the Nerds, The Karate Kid and, of course, Rocky I and II.  Rocky couldn’t learn anything unless it was in montage form.
For extra effect, make sure that whatever your character accomplishes during the montage is something he has no business perfecting in such a short period of time.  Yes, the montage covers the passage of time, but it never comes close to covering enough.  Did Daniel really become a karate master in a few weeks?  Mr. Miyagi and that wax on bullshit must be amazing.


The 80s was a simpler time.  No one had fancy cell phones or jet packs or Fleshlights like they do today.  All they had were fade haircuts and sports jackets and Day-Glo colors. How did they ever make do?
Pay attention to enough 80s films and you’ll start to notice bizarre issues with story pacing.  For instance, compare how many scenes occur in 80s films in which a character is scene parking a car, or even just driving from one location to another, to the same scenes in modern films.  Unless something important happens in the actual car, no one includes driving scenes now.  Back in the 80s, apparently driving was awesome because you got it all the time, complete with a full on parking job.  If you’re really lucky, you’d get “walking in the city” scenes, set to music.   These were interchangeable with beach scenes or mall scenes, none of which added anything to the film but did waste several minutes of screen time.

Anything Even Slightly Complex is Magical

Wax on.  Wax off.  That, somehow, is the key to karate.  That’s so much BS it should choke you out.  Want to create an entire woman from scratch? Use a Barbie and an 1980s computer program.  Skipping school for the day?  Why not become a national hero for the day, somehow. 
For reasons never touched on, the 80s presented a world in which there is a baseline of normality, and then anything outside of the normal is stunning and inexplicable.  How does Ferris Bueller manage to become the greatest boy in all of Chicago that one day?  Shouldn’t a kid with that kind of insane influence be a millionaire already?  And if Daniel can master karate after that kind of weak ass teaching, wouldn’t he be able to literally murder Jean Claude van Damme just by looking at him after a year of training?  And if those two nerds in Weird Science can make an actual, living woman, why are they ever doing anything else with their time?
Basically the 80s existed in a infomercial where no one could figure anything out, except for the main characters who were the guys who understood how to use a life’s rotisserie cooker or whatever and became amazing.  Put in an amazing character like that, who really isn’t amazing at all, just not as dumb as everyone else.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

9 escándalos protagonizados por figuras del fútbol

Elenco, Nación, El Nuevo Siglo, Futbolred, Terra

9 escándalos protagonizados por figuras del fútbol

Porque este deporte es también diversión más allá del balón, recordamos algunas situaciones que han generado controversia.
La prometida de Diego Maradona que le habría robado. La polémica se desató luego de que, según la versión de Rocío Oliva -ex de Maradona-, personas cercanas a él indicaron que ella se habría llevado dinero y objetos de valor de la vivienda del ex futbolista a su regreso a Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Deje aquí su comentario
En declaraciones reproducidas por Telefé, Oliva confirmó su separación: "con Diego ya no estamos de novios, estamos separados. Estamos en una especie de impasse. Hoy estoy triste y no pongo en duda los sentimientos de él, quizá hoy no es el momento, hay que esperar, que la gente se deje de meter entre los dos y podamos estar bien".

Gerard Piqué, ¿para ambos lados? Fotos de la pareja de Shakira lo han puesto en una situación comprometedora e incómoda. Recuerda Elenco la imagen que lo mostraba "muy afectuoso con su entonces compañero del Barcelona F.C. Zlatan Ibrahimovic". Luego del incidente y de que fuera superado el problema, otras fotos de Piqué en una discoteca con otros hombres levantaron más dudas.
Los servicios sexuales solicitados por Kerim Benzema y Franck Ribéry. La prostituta francesa Zahia Dehar fue la peor pesadilla para estos futbolistas, luego de ser acusados de prostitución de menores por haberse acostado con ella cuando era menor de 18 años. Según recuerda, el escándalo salió a la luz pública antes del Mundial de Fútbol del 2010. Franck Ribéry aceptó que se acostó con Dehar en el 2009, pero que no le pagó por ello. En un juicio celebrado a finales de enero de este año, los futbolistas fueron absueltos.

Foto de Zahia Dehar, AFP.
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Messi, poca vida pública y mucho escándalo. Dos escándalos del gran jugador argentino han sonado. El primero, tiene que ver con unas fotos que circularon en internet, en las que aparecía con una bailarina en Las Vegas. Su esposa continuó la relación. Pero además, su padre y él fueron acusados de evadir 4,16 millones de euros en impuestos, vinculados a sus derechos de imagen entre 2006 y 2009.
El desmentido triángulo amoroso entre 'La Hinchada', Ómar Pérez el presidente de Santa Fe, César Pastrana. En el programa La Red de Caracol se había dicho que " 'La Hinchada' estaría en coqueteos con el presidente del equipo, César Pastrana, y al mismo tiempo con el jugador Omar Pérez, creando un mal ambiente entre ellos". Sin embargo, el mismo Pérez desmintió los rumores, así como Angélica Camacho, quien dijo que con ese chisme, buscaban "hacerle daño al equipo".

Ronaldo, un motel y tres travestis. En el 2008, el 'crack' brasileño acudió a una comisaria para acusar a tres travestis de querer extorsionarlo. Según El Nuevo diario, el travesti 'Andreia Albertine' dijo que Ronaldo le pidió que comprara drogas "antes de sus servicios". Como no llegó con el pedido, el jugador se rehusó a pagarle. La versión del comisario policial fue que dos de los travestis aceptaron el pago de Ronaldo, pero el otro pidió una gran suima que él no pagó.
Por último, Ronaldo dijo que buscaba prostitutas, pero que por error "llegaron los travestis a los cuales igual accedió a pagarles 1.000 reales sin que prestaran servicios. Andreia sin embargo, le reclamó 50.000".

Deje aquí su comentario
'Tigre' Castillo y el accidente de tránsito. En agosto del 2001, el futbolista estuvo involucrado en un accidente que dejó a dos personas muertas, según Fútbol Red. Un dictamen de Medicina Legal comprobó que el 'Tigre' había consumido alcohol. Por este incidente, fue condenado a 36 meses de cárcel. 
El golpe del 'Bolillo'. Hasta agosto del 2011, Hernán Darío Gómez era el director técnico de la Selección Colombia. Pero borracho, golpeó a una mujer varias veces. La W registró y condenó el hecho. Como contó Futbol Red, "el escándalo del bar trascendió las barreras de lo privado, se volvió un 'problema' público y de carácter nacional, y tres días después de sucedido le costó el puesto a 'Bolillo' ".

Foto: AFP.
Dayro Moreno y el alcohol. En el año 2007, el futbolista colombiano enfrentó un mal momento en su carrera. Luego de anotar el gol del triunfo contra Argentina, el jugador se fue de fiesta con varios amigos y el conductor que lo llevó a su casa lo denunció ante los medios, informó Terra. Moreno habló con los directivos del Once Caldas, equipo para el que jugaba, y pese a que todo iba a quedar en el olvido, el director técnico Santiago Escobar, se negó a convocar a Dayro para el próximo partido. Finalmente, renunció.